started to sense the popularity of these bags when i spied people checking one out at every chanel location in beverly hills. then i played with it in person, and it's ingenious! it's compact and light, has slots for id's and credit cards, zippered pockets for loose cash and papers, and enough room for the blackberry, camera, and lipstick..the best part? the extra long chain strap that you can wear cross-body, doubled up as a shoulder strap, or take completely off for a clutch! yes, the chanel wallet on chain is multi-purpose! it keeps you organized like this (which i own!) but let's be honest here..who wouldn't rather have a chanel wallet on chain over a kangaroo keeper?
these will run you from $995-$1495.
these bags are impossible to find in stock, and colors and styles vary between stores. we found the selections at the chanel flagship store to be sad, but the chanel boutique in saks fifth avenue had quite a few more. in particular, one gorgeous red (!) wallet on chain that went home with ang. i cannot wait to see her wearing it on our next outing!
p.s. saks in beverly hills also had this pearl white one as seen on audrina patridge:
i'm selling mine:
bought in las vegas this fall. i found your post when i googled celebs with the WOC. it's def a gorgeous piece!
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