Monday, June 25, 2012

iced tea favor kits

when it comes to parties and favors, no one does it better than my cousin vic.  she is a wizard at making stuff, putting them together, and making everyone feel special.  so when it comes time to throw a baby shower for vic? i am literally breaking out in a cold sweat since i am in charge of the favors. 

the shower is a lovely afternoon tea, so we figure we would stick with a tea theme.  vic and i have a soft spot for fancy paper straws, so i decide that this tea has to be iced. 

i order paper straws from amazon (perfect for favors since the straws come in every colorway imaginable!), and decide on THE most fragrant tea blend from teavana. i had a sample of it in store, and found this blend was most delicious when iced. 

packaging wise, i pick up two sizes of cellophane treat bags from target, and curling ribbon. printable sticker label sheets from papersource make label tagging easy, and voila!

iced tea favor kits are ready to go!

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