Monday, July 30, 2012

Tom Ford Beauty

when tom ford's beauty line popped up in stores a couple years ago, i balked at the price like most other people. a line of lipsticks that cost a whopping $48 each?!

i told myself i wouldn't buy into the hype of this ridiculously sexy designer who seemingly invented the "sex look" with his ads for gucci and then his own signature line. 

well, that lasted a couple years. this past weekend, i bought into the hype.

my friend and i headed out to beverly hills to buy a gift for a birthday party, and we stopped by neiman marcus to check out the tom ford beauty counter.

while she clutched a natural hair cheek brush, and applied coat after coat of the most beautiful blush i have come across in recent times, i attacked the lip section and tried on color after color. the scent of tom ford lip colors is scrumptious. it's a sugary vanilla that manages to smell super sweet but not cloying.

after getting over the scent, i started to get even more excited as i applied said lipstick.  one, it applies like butter.  two, it is extremely pigmented and leaves your lip with a slight sheen. three, i couldn't stop staring at myself in the mirror as i applied the lipstick from the chic-est black and gold tube.  one point is probably already a decision maker, but three points?! as you can guess, i could not leave without picking up a gorgeous rose color that will take me from work to play.

tom ford lipstick in indian rose $48 at neiman marcus

 p.s. we were also able to find the perfect birthday gift at tom ford.  i'll post later!

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