Thursday, July 12, 2012

brow help (part 1)

i am useless when it comes to brows.  it's just something that i never took the time to master, and it's resulted in me being pretty awful at it. 

last year, i went to an extreme, and decided to get my eyebrows tattooed.  i loved it!  tattoos usually mean permanent, but i found the results from the brow tattoo typically lasted only 6 months. (ugh, i wish that tattoo would last longer than the unfortunate "art" i had inked when i was a silly 19 year old).  i had to start drawing in my brows around the six month mark, but was still able to keep up the shape at home. 

now that it has been a year, my brows are a mess again.  i could go get it tattooed again, but i think i'm going to go the professional route, and get it shaped and waxed.  i've been using anastasia products for as long as i can remember (the duo shade powder is amazing), but am far too lazy to drive out to beverly hills for a session. 

luckily nordstrom has anastasia service outposts in many of their locations, and i've made an appointment to try it for the first time this weekend.  the price for shaping and waxing is $30 which is pretty reasonable.  benefit brow bars run around $20, and are also quite good.  i've just had too many friends visit the anastasia storefront with glowing reviews, so i want to try that one.

i will update this post after my appointment, and compare my experience at the anastasia outpost vs. my previous experience at the benfit brow bar in bloomingdales. 

if you are as brow challenged as i am, i hope you will find these posts helpful.

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